Member since ‎2006 Jan 31

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  • 13 Posts
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SAP Labs Bulgaria is devoted to Open Source. The current trends related to digitalization of the company's business processes and cross-business interactions leads to a massive move to the Cloud. The building blocks of the Cloud infrastructure itself...
Terminal ViewIn response of the great interest related to Shellshock, Dirigible provided several possibilities to use low level OS commands.After going to the well known trial instance at from the menu, go to Window->Show Vi...
The existential question, which only seems to offer two equal and yet feasible options.The first time we face such a question in a distributed environment (typical in the context of cloud applications) we’ll have a hard time finding the “right” answe...
Have you ever wondered if it is possible to develop end to end your next cloud application directly via the browser? What language should you use? What kind of other tools should you need for the database management, authorization definitions, testin...