Usually I face edifact, eancom, ansi x.12 messages in my edi integration projects. XML message interfaces like OpenTrans appear from time to time. However, these XML message interfaces were always used in a direct integration omitting the SAP b2b add...
In large edi integration projects I face for outbound messages, e.g. invoices, order responses, deliveries, remittance advices, orders also very large lists in receiver determinations or integrated configurations (ICo).When using eclipse for designin...
Usually number range objects in b2b addon are used to count the sent messages one after another.However it is possible by implementing SAP note 2035054, like found in this blog here: NRO access from mapping (ESR), to use the number range objects as a...
A while ago I discovered SAP Note 2035054 which includes a java code and a documentation of a programmable API to access, read, create and update number range objects (NRO) in SAP’s B2B Addon.This blog is a short summary of a how to implement this AP...
Hi Peter,
you may always use xpath expressions like
*/IDOC/EDI_DC40[(DIRECT = '2')]
*/IDOC/EDI_DC40[(DIRECT = '1')]
for filtering inbound & outbound IDocs. Also EDI_DC40 fields like RCVPRN & SNDPRN are useful.
Kind regards
Hello Ridvan,
kindly check SAP Note 2538934 - "ECDHE cipher suites handshake failure". There is only a workaround solution via an apache or sapwebdispatcher.
Kind regards
Hi Nurhan,yes. You are quite free to define your own IDs. In many EDI systems these IDs need to fit a predefined schema, e.g. O1300000Nurhan.Kind regardsKonrad
Hi Nurhan,yes you can try to use your custom OdetteID. It should be unique worldwide. So use O00130000MyCompany instead O0013PIDEV. However if you need to use the Odette certificates with your partners you will need to buy your Odette certificate per...
Hi Jangir,
in my blog I am also using the NroInterface Java Archive. I am not sure if your archive is able to do the same or what the purpose of it is.
However in one proj...