Member since ‎2010 Aug 28

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Hi, SAP mentioned in note 3130882 - IBM Db2 log4j vulnerability log4j vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 in components for federation. And IBM in sec bulletin Security Bulletin: Vulnerability in Apache Log4j affects some features of IBM® Db2® (CVE-2021-4...
Hello,I'm solving problem with db storage overload.When we upgraded DB2 10.5.7 LUW to DB2 LUW db is more or less twice reading from storage and this is overloading this storage. Average of Logical reading is simillar and also Buffer quality ...
Hi,I've updated DB2 LUW from 10.5FP7 to 11.1FP1 on RHEL6 and in diaglog is every 15 minutes severe error SQL1060N. This do sap hostagent 721 pl21 or last 25 too), he is trying connect to DB as root, but it is in 11.1 not allowed or ... Is necessary a...
Hi,Do you know why DB2 10.5.7 (I didn't test other) get different result for selects with "NOT LIKE" and "<>", when I set exact string for both? Seems ,that this difference is not in everytime. Me do it for OWNER column in syscat.tables. Bellow is ex...
Hello,We've got NW7.4 ABAP with 3th party SSO Quest/Dell. With possiblility for unencrypted connection and manual login with password.My question is: Is possible encrypted connection from SAP GUI to NW ABAP when I'm not loged into domain for SSO?If y...