Member since ‎2005 Feb 08

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The ABAP Element Info in ADT is a central, but often underestimated feature. It provides read-access to all kinds of elements. You can use it as popup window, as permanent view and also as part of the code completion feature.   Popup Window (Quick ...
Hi ADT community, this time we have prepared a video about ABAP Unit, and especially about Test Relations. You can use ABAP Unit to easily write automated tests for your repository objects, particularly if the production code you want to test is cont...
Hi ADT Community, the ABAP Repository supports far more than 100 object types. Many of them provide also documentation capabilities, mainly based on SAP Script. Classes and Interfaces can also be documented with ABAP Doc. Especially with RAP, a bun...
When working with ABAP Development Tools (aka ABAP in Eclipse) you usually have to deal with many different development objects. These objects are stored in the ABAP Repository and are connected to each other in various ways. Sometimes it is difficul...