Member since ‎2011 May 04

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Hi All ,I know that SAP Fiori app works with the SAP Netweaver gateway, But i have to develop an app only using sap hana studio (UI) and sap hana (DB).I know that i have to use SAP UI5, but my question is if i develop using ui5 then it is termed as a...
Hello Everyone ,I want to know in which include/module of SAPMF02K program is used to insert/update entries of the ADRC table while creating vendors (XK01).  Our purpose is to update a Z field in ADRC table capturing the value from LFA1-SCACD.Regards...
Hello,I am creating a poworklist app using sap hana studio. when i try to run the url, am getting the following error."Uncaught Reference Error : oBundle is not defined".This might be a basic question but am new to hana. Please guide me.Thank you,Pra...
hi , Im Trying to create an App in SAP hana and UI5 , an Purchase Order App .in that im getting an issue . when i click button for Excel Download. file was not downloading but if u run the link seperately or Double click in Developer tool in chorme b...
hi ,We are trying to do Purchase Order Details in SAP Hana Development Studio using UI5.We got stuck in binding the rows to the table.Please check the code below.poview.controller.js :sap.ui.controller("podetails.poview", {/*** Called when a controll...