Member since ‎2009 Jan 05

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I've got a Smartform with only 1 window MAIN.Based on a flag in the incoming structure, i need to print some data.Incoming structure = ZHRU_RV_BEERSHIP and the flagfield = ZHRU_RV_BEERSHIP-FLAG.I use the SAPscript type of editor where I can choose /:...
I made an implementation in IF_EX_MB_MIGO_BADI and customer requirement is that when entering transaction MIGO, the system creates a new Batch.I made my changes in Method: LINE_MODIFY (If field charg = empty, create new bacth) and in there i call the...
Hi,I'm creating a PDF format from a report(list). This is the procedure I followed:1. Get print parameters2. Submit program using the statementSUBMIT sy_repid TO SAP-SPOOL WITHOUT SPOOL DYNPROSPOOL PARAMETERS out_parametersAND RETURN.3. Get the spoo...
When I use IW58 and select multipe lines and go to the menu Notification->Print Notification to print in mass, is there a way to print without having to click on the print dialog for each notification selected for print?The system is everytime poppin...
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