Member since ‎2012 Mar 12

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Hello,connect a SAP HANA Studio from my own desktop to the SAP HANA instance on Cloud Share, like descriped in the HOWTOPart 4 - Connect to your local SAP HANA Studio and Sap HANA Client to your HANA server on CloudShare (optional).doesn't work. Afte...
Hello,I want to youe the new Adaptive Web Service Model, but I run in some trouble because the import of the wsdl ends with the following error:Exception : XML schema elemen...
Hello,can anybody tell me a place for samples and documentation of JNET GANTT.I search for sample application and any hints to use this component.Some links are posted at SDN but non of them works, for example:
Hello,I've seen a very good implementation of IGS Gantt Charts in the NW ABAP Stack (Class: CLG_PHTMLB_GANTTCHART).I where any Class at the JAVA Stack of NW. The simple Business Graphics Classes are not so good to use.Thanks Matthias