Member since ‎2013 Aug 20

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  • 47 Posts
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dear experti'm new in pi system, i wanna check reletionship between ecc fields and external-system fields; how can we do it, pls give me some advice; thx in advance.
hey dearthere some non-character-type data in BAPE_VBAP, so we can't transfer data by extension in bapi: sd_salesdocument_create directly; according to sap notes 509898 suggestion, we should make some conversion, in this case, we wanna to know, where...
hi dearany idear we can activate QM view for article in sap retail by bapi, and which one we can use.thx in advance.
hi dearany idear we can activate QM view by bapi in sap ratail, and which one bapi we can used.thx in advance.
hi dear expertwe are encounter some issues, when we are edit/display a generic article, error message popup show MH084, as below picturewe has been search this issues from our forum, some thread like this:http://scn.sap.com/thread/1027185, but we are...