Hi ,
I have applied sick leave on XXX date through ESS portal.If i request the sick leave for same date again, system allowing to create the new request.
System not throwing error message "Conflict with Absences/ Sick Leave ". Attched duplicate l...
Hi ,
I need to download the data from internal table to excel in the below excel format .
Kindly share your ideas to achieve this one.
Pasumpon Karuppauah
Hi Folks,
we are facing some data In-consistency issue with I/O material for the formula XXX in SAP EHS.
when we delete the In-consistency I/O material of that formula and again save the formula with same data, it will save and no issue .
Can ...
Hi Folks,
I am very new to EHS module and facing some issue with creation of QM Inspection Plan from CGO2 .
Issue Details :
I am not able to create QM Inspection Plan from CGO2 for some specification with YYY Inspection Characteristic but I ca...
Hi ,I m getting following error while creating billing document no in VF01.Update was terminatedSystem ID.... Client....... User..... Transaction.. VF01Update key... B8596FE6526BF1498A10C04A0002658BGenerated.... 31.08.2016, 12:03:36Comple...
HI sas vas,I also having same kind of problem (After the deadline time reached , The workitem goes to completed and Processing Obsolete
status but not removing form manager inbox.) Can you please explain here that what you have done in workflow to r...
Hi Abinath ,Thanks for your reply.The above code will work only for download the excel sheet.But i need to design the the excel sheet column same as in below.Regards,Pasumpon Karuppaiah
Hi Srivijay,I have requirement to trigger the workflow by manually for the old incident in EHSM. Then I have created the program to trigger the workflow for the old INCIDENT . But i got error in the first step of my workflow (Start Processing Method...
Hi Adi,how to pass the posting value to extension2 in the bapi.. Do you have any sample code for that.can you please help me to resolve it.Thnaks,Pasumpon Karuppaiah.