When adding a new line item to delivery using the BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE I am getting an error
No Warehouse number is assigned to plant 1234 to Storage location 2345.
Even the Delivery has WM Picking status is : NO WM Transf ord reqd
Hi All,Please provide the table to get the note created as shown below for travel request ,I had searched and found in SOOD table the header is stored but what is the link between the Travel request no and the document.and where the main content of ...
Hi All,Issue Description:Attachment not opening in UWL while send for approval of Travel Request but opening in ECC.Issue Object:BO: BUS2089 Method: Display Created a custom BO: ZBUS2089 and delegated to standard BUS2089.Looked Solutions:SAP Note : ...
Hi All,In UWL when pressing Reject button a popup needs to open to get the rejection reasonBut an error occuring in UWL as follows, But in ECC it's working fine please some one help to resolve this.The mentioned note also already applied,Regards,KK
Hi Suresh,Try to alighn the barcode to center.increase the spaces between the border lines of the table and barcode and try.also check the bar-code reader format and your barcode typeTo ensure the problem is because of border please print the same ba...
ok So the other possibility is the visibility may be changed based on condition like user type,or some other data dynamically. check the binding of visibility to the element which is not rendering if it is static we need to check other possibility.If...
Hi Sandesh,You have mentioned that the filed is available in the settings, so this not a mapping issue,It may be layout saved issue or field setting issue.change and save the setting then try again.Also check did you done any field setting like field...