Member since ‎2012 Jul 26

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IntroductionThis document will brief us on how we connect SAP Lumira Desktop with SAP HANA cloud platform and develop bus transport visualizations on the bus data put into SAP HANA Cloud.Steps: Connect to SAP HANA Cloud Platform from Eclipse IDE. Cre...
Hello all,Please help  me in creating calculation view for _SYS_BIC schema in hana cloud platform,I am able to create XS Project and able to have the table according to need in _SYS_BIC schema.I want to utilise calculation view in SAP Lumira. Please ...
Introduction :This document will tell briefly about what all things we need to know to upgrade BO environment from BOXI 3.1 to BO 4.1 and migrate Crystal reports from 2008 to 2013.This BO upgradation involves migrating the contents like Web Intellige...
What and When is the best possible way to migrate from Oracle Db to SAP HANA in terms of cost/data/etc?
IntroductionThis document provides the introduction of packages for customizing Business Objects Enterprise XI 3.1 i.e. Business Objects Enterprise SDK and Report Engine SDK.Business Objects Enterprise SDKBusiness Objects Enterprise SDK is a platform...