Pessoal, bom dia.
Segundo a Nota SAP 2498688 (Activate NF-e Event Processing for NFE namespace 009) do SP28, ao aplicá-la ou aplicar o SP28 que está prestes a ser liberado, o uso do namespace 009 passa a ser obrigatório no SAP GRC NF-e (SLL-NFE) pa...
Introdução Este Blog demonstra as configurações necessárias para utilizar o novo Sistema Virtual de Contingência (SVC), publicado pela SEFAZ na Nota Técnica 2013.007 e explicado pela karen.rodrigues em Nota Técnica 2013/007 - SEFAZ Vi...
Hello Experts,I'm trying to change Reprocessing Settings in Communication Channel Monitoring using "PISUPER" user, therefore this is not possible: Any idea?Thanks in advance.Pedro Baroni
Prezados, boa tarde.Durante o último Feriado (15/11), tivemos diversos erros de comunicação com a SEFAZ SP (somente com SP). Algumas vezes o Serice Status Check funcionava e em outras não.Além disso, os Portais da Fazenda e da Nota Fiscal Paulista es...
Congrats Viana, Thanks agains for sharing. Using that on reprocessing DocuSign envelopes up to 3 times and after sending e-mail to support team. Best regards. Pedro Baroni
Hi Raquel, amazing content. Thank you! Considering “Step 04 – checkHash” is using String Comparison, it might be vulnerable to Timing Attack: if (result != webhookHash): Try...
Okay, you can retrieve "Application Properties", but cannot modify that at runtime. You can only set the initial value at the deploy:Deploying Properties Within an ApplicationOr change it via NWA or ConfigTool:Modifying Application PropertiesRegards....
Hi Rajesh,What about create a scheduled integration consuming the Token via poling and storing in an Value Mapping internal table using Value Mapping Replication:REST Sender (get token) -> PI -> Java Proxy (Store Token)Value Mapping ReplicationValue ...
Outside-In Web service Providers Development, Deployment and Testing in SAP PISAP(synchronous request RFC/Proxy XI) -> PI -> AS Java (custom Java Code SOAP request)AS Java (custom Java Code Java Proxy SOAP response) -> PI -> SAP(synchronous response...