Member since ‎2020 Jun 08

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Good day,I am looking for some assistance regarding JDBC connection to Azure Synapse DB from SAP CPI.I have setup JDBC connection as follows via Cloud Connector.Cloud Connector:JDBC on SAP CPI:SAP CPI:When I run my integration flow I get the followin...
Good day,We have setup new integrations on Integration Suite which connect to Success Factors API via API Management.We get the following error when the integration runs on schedule (intermittently) Attempted read from closed str...
Good day, While developing an OData API to a SuccessFactors backend the resources are exposed. We added a policy to this API to verify the APIKey. We can access the resources in POSTMAN. However when using a SAP CPI odata adapter it tries to...
Good day, We are experiencing an xslt error on some of our iflows, this worked as is a week ago. When we run the iflows now we get the following error near the xslt "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Supplied Clark name is null or empty". XSL...
Hi All, Has anyone experienced the below and were able to resolve: - On S4HC extensibility in a specific custom logic I want to access the code list description for a custom field however I only have access to the code value - any ideas on how to...