Product Attributes fields PRAT1,PRAT2...PRAT9 Are not showing at UI repository even after doing SMT Mapping and generation of structures upon data model extension?although these fields can be seen at KNVV level.
In Consolidation/Mass Processing, BRF+ is maintained with INIT in case of Rejection of CR but is routes to SAP_WFRT. How to Find the user who initiated Consolidation?
how to Hide or Show Process template based on roles in MDCIMG Process template for Consolidation & Manage Mass?
Process step has functionality to provide authorization group for each step but I need to restrict process template based on role.
In MDG: Manage Mass Process for Material is not updating DB Table for Custom fields in case of Direct Activation without creating Change Request ?
However If I Create CR after Activation it does update those custom fields but not in case of Direct ...
these fields are available at KNVV (PRAT1,PRAT2,PRAT3). i added these attributes to BP_SALES entity Type and then did SMT Mapping but it doesn't show in UI Repository to add at UI Level.