I have upgraded an old real-time job from version 3.2 to version 4.2.
Everything looks the same and the web service functions properly in 4.2.
However, the trace log in 4.2 echoes the input message data whereas the 3.2 version did not (it only sh...
Trying to consume a https web service exposed by Dun and Bradstreet using Data Services (4.2 sp11 Windows server 2012)
I have read through the previous questions on this topic without a suitable answer.
I've also tried the steps in https://launch...
We are upgrading our SAP ECC system with EHP8.
We also use SAP Replication Server (Heterogeneous) to replicate select tables from the SAP database (DB2) to MS SQL.
I know that many of the replicated SAP tables will have new columns in EHP8. It is...
...and if it wasn't obvious, you can use a script and the print function to get the values in the job log. Also, substitution parameters can be referenced like variables in the script.
Compare the actual column data types in MS SQL for your source table(s) with those in the corresponding schema(s) imported into Data Services. I think you will find that one or more columns had an unsupported datatype and was created in BODS with a s...
The error message is pretty explicit and not related to BODS. This usually means you have attempted to access a MS SQL object (table, view, stored proc, etc.) that does not exist.
Assuming you are reading from an SAP application datastore - the original timeout issue is probably related to a large volume of data being extracted. If you are attempting to limit the number of rows in your WHERE clause, make sure you are using exp...
What is the setting for "Code page" under "Locale" for your file format? Have you tried changing it to something like utf-8 to see if that makes a difference?