Hi Rajdeep,MaxDB does not offer a specific node.js component for database access.However, it seems to be possible to use the JDBC driver in this context.A glimpse on Google revealed e.g.:https://socket.dev/npm/package/node-jdbc-driverorhttps://github...
Meanwhile, the version of MaxDB Community Edition is available in the download section, that includes the fix for JDBC and Java 17.Kind regards TTK
Dear customer,actually the problem with JAVA 17 is found and solved. The fix will be included in the next MaxDB release. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you a date, when it will be released.In order to evaluate the fix, it may be possible to give you a ...
Hi,I see both:Storage=ContentStorage.dllandStorage=FileSystemStorage.dllThe latter seems to address file system based Content Server. For the other one, are the databases up and running? (dbmcli db_enum)FYI, I have less knowledge of configuration of ...