Member since ‎2018 Apr 27

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Hi, I just change my mac for a macbook pro m3 pro, I transfered the installation of SQLAnywhere 17 from my old mac to my new. I have no problem running SQLAnywhere, but SQL Central don't want to run I have the following message : libjsyblib1700_r.dyl...
Hi, I try to make a select with an output in XML. For this I use the "FOR XML EXPLICIT" option of the SELECT statement. I build my select based on the sap documentation, but my xml and the documentation xml don't have the same structure, and I don't ...
Hi, To store (and use) our users password in the database, we use the couple of function ENCRYPT and DECRYPT. To encrypt the password we use the following instruction : UPDATE USR SET UsrPass = ENCRYPT('toto', 'TheVeryLongKey', '(AES256') WHERE ... ...
Hi, I have a problem with the dbunload and the unprocessed.sql file. I use SQL Anywhere Version on macOS. With this version when I try to do an unload througth my App executing the sfollowing shell command : /Applications/8sens\\ sybase/...
Hi, I have a dbeng17 OEM authenticated licence for macOS and Windows When I try to perform a dbunload on Windows it doesn't work but on macOS it works fine. The dbunload command : "C:\\8sensSybase\\Debug8TPV\\Bin64\\dbunload" -c " UID=DBA;PWD=**;SERV...