Member since ‎2024 Aug 21

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Hi,How to Pass Path Variables (Path Parameters) in iflow http connection.We are building an Ariba API, need to pass ViewTemplate. We tried to pass as below but still get error saying the Template not found.{"viewTemplateName": "Test_Re","filters":{"u...
Hi,We are trying to fetch Token from Ariba API using Basic Auth Credentials.Getting below error. Error An internal server error occured: HTTP operation failed invoking https://api...
Hi,We are having issues with Filter, Could you please help.Requirement is we should be able to filter by UniqueNames, but optional. if we don't provide UniqueNames, other date filter should be applied.Question:Is it must to maintain "UniqueNames" in ...
Hi Experts,I am getting below error when tried to read the Zip file from completed job.     "code": "notAcceptable",    "message": "Requested representation (content type as requested in the Accept header) not available for the resource"Parameters:Jo...
Hi Experts, Could you please help.I am getting below error when call the API.  {   "code": "invalidFilter",    "message": "Invalid filter for the view passed. Unsupported filters passed :{updatedDateFrom=2023-01-06T21:40:14Z, updatedDateTo=2023-08-06...