for several days the use of Datasphere has been random.
We encounter during the day problems of slowness in the navigation of the Datasphere interface but also during view deployment which can go as far as error messages such as Model could not be ...
when it is expected that it will be possible to share analytical models between spaces ?
We have this message when we try to share a AM
Sorry, something went wrong while sharing the models
We can provide the following information to assist eith...
With SAP Datasphere we regularly encounter problems with the deploy of the Consumption model
During the saving and/or deployment, the system takes several minutes before giving a 502 Bad Gateway error
In SAP Datasphere, I can't find the new catalog roles and menu
We are implementing SAP Datasphere at two customers in Belgium and Versions are identical,
Version : 2023.7.55 / Build Date 15.03.2023 16:34:00
For one customer, I see the roles fo...
Like a Composite provider (or MultiProvider) in BW, We have created a Consumption model in DWC based on 2 FACT Model with more 20 Dimensions and 50 measures and when we proceed to the mapping of the dimensions for the respective facts, first we have ...
Thank you very much for your answer.
Our point of view
We understand that this is not in the current roadmap but our vision is to share also
some industrialized AM by IT to the Business by Sharing in Business Space
And also allow the business to ...
when it is expected that it will be possible to share analytical models between spaces ?
We have this message when we try to share a AM
Sorry, something went wrong while sharing the models
We can provide the following information to assist either ...
It's a big issue when you work with live connection to BW/4 with more 200.000.000 records if I can't used and do topdown Input parameters from datasphere to BW/4 (Hana layer)