Member since ‎2007 Jul 04

User Statistics

  • 254 Posts
  • 4 Solutions
  • 109 Kudos given
  • 192 Kudos received

User Activity

  There is a really interesting post written by Mynyna Chau about creating habits for learning.
Usually, I write about technical topics or community events but this time I've chosen to write about my experiences learning a new language. Which language? ABAP? Javascript? Python? No. I am writing about the process of learning a new spoken (and...
Many of us are locked down in our homes. Our beloved families and friends too. But we can certainly do some things to overcome the feelings of isolation.   By leveraging the digital tools we are already used to use for work we can easily connect wi...
This is my first Blog it Forward!   I want to start by saying a big thank you to nilpeksen for tagging me to take part in this Blog it Forward series (and also for the very insightful lectures delivered by her on SAP events). Thanks, Nil!   Who am ...
Overview   "Und Action!" is the main tagline for DSAG's huge congress that took place during September in Nuremberg, Germany. This is a clear call to action, given the world currently is in a turning point, both economically and technologically. Com...