Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Member since ‎2010 Sep 07

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  • 34 Posts
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Dear experts. I want to delete two type of entities in one transaction call as below. How can I implement transaction management to make sue that all records will be deleted successfully? Thanks a lot. CqnDelete deleteDept = Delete.from(Dept_.c...
Hi. Experts. My requirement is to use an onpremise AD as my user account source for my Cloud Foundry portal. I have add my IAS into my CF environment as a IDP. I also configured user store in the cloud tab of cloud connector. (My cloud co...
Hi. Experts. I have developed one CAP for Java project and it worked well. I want to know if I can use this cap project to create a restful web service directly or not? I tried to leverage spring-boot framework to do it, however I created a contr...
Hi. Experts. I created my CAP Java with archetype cds-services-archetype 1.7.0. After finished my implementation, I could get my odata service with v4 version. I notice that there is a library "cds-adapter-odata-v2" in Maven repository. ...
Hi. ALL.    Here is my my json data.    var data =    {    SER_NO:SerNo,       VERSIONS:       [         {VERSION:1 ,         SIZE:2,         LOGS:         [          {           EXECUTE_TIME:"2015-05-05 14:00",           EXECUTE_AD:"SAPLOUIS",      ...