Member since ‎2020 Dec 04

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Hi. I have a Fiori application and a button in the toolbar. The availability of the button is controlled by status. If multiple lines are selected, a message appears: "One selected object cannot be processed.Workbench dc692f36-ef96-4944-b903-3bd75716...
Hello. I see the example of displaying a tree component for a flexible programming model. https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/sdk/test-resources/sap/fe/core/fpmExplorer/index.html#/buildingBlocks/table/treeTableI replicated this for SAP CAP. The UI part...
Hi. Recently SAP added the support of PostgreDB for Node.js. It does not support multitenancy. I am planning to start creating a new project and need to decide whether to use PostgreDB via@cap-js/postgres or search for alternative ways. Are there any...
Hi. I use API Journal Entry - Post (Synchronous) JournalEntryCreateRequestConfirmation_In to create a FI document and fill a settlement order for a credit side. In a created document the field Order in a item details is blank. Payload<soapenv:E...
Hi. The multitenant application with a scheduler has to call own api to send notifications (system-user role) for every tenant. Tenants don't have a cloud foundry. How can I implement this? Thanks