Member since ‎2012 Oct 12

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HI , I need launch the application from BAS ( flpsandbox.html ) using my credentials to odata service. Credentials not be changed with aid of blog . Customize User Information for flpSandbox testing | SAP Blogs Thanks, Naveen
Hi, I'm trying to enable Launchpad Service , its failed , tried few times Error message " Couldn't subscribe to Launchpad Service. Try again. If the problem persists, please post a question to SAP Community. "
Hi there,Requirement : Add date field to reference object block ,component BTREFOBJ.AET wont support to add field to BTREFOBJ ,so I added date field in BOL Structure CRMST_REFOBJ_BTIL and added date field to config . I can choose the date , as soon a...
Hi there,I have a requirement and would like to know can we change the Partner profile of sales order (of course any order) when I select a field in the header details. Based on the type of order related partner functions only display in the partners...
Dear All, We are using HANA database as a primary database. I'm in process of configuring Knowledge management using the best practice C3G/C29.I did not get answers to below questions even after reading documentation on knowledge management and OSS n...