Member since ‎2016 Oct 12

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Hi,Why is assigning the variable OK but passing as a parameter gives a "not type-compatible" error?  data: ls_sdata type edi_sdata. data: ls_data TYPE e1edk01. * this is fine: ls_sdata = ls_data. * this gives a not type-compatible error: method defi...
Hi,I've tried all format combinations of Character and String, and the "case-sensitive" property on domains, but the text never changes - it's always displayed in the ALV as per the database. Anyone else having this issue? TABLES: tvfk. DATA: t_tvfk ...
Hi, BAPI_MATERIAL_AVAILABILITY only returns the Receipt total value.Does anyone how how to get the other totals values - Issues and Confirmed Issues? Thanks, William
Hi, Does anyone if if it is possible to use POSTING_INTERFACE_CLEARING to execute the 'Charge Off Difference" (Charge off diff.) function in FB05? Thks,William
Hi,I ticked the "Remember my choice" option when closing a NWBC 5.0 (PL8) screen that had multiple tabs open (attached). How do you get this popup back, i.e. start asking to confirm closing tabs again? I assumed it was the "Do not close tabs" option ...