Member since ‎2018 May 19

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  • 111 Posts
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Returned to trying out Fiori Elements after 2-3 months ina) VSCODE in my PC and b) BAS service in BTP trialExperience in VSCODE not good Existing projects were working fine but fresh project crashed with error when I tried npm run start ⚠️ Proce...
I have seen many blogs where I encountered this confusion “ ” instead of " ‘ ’ instead of ' This does NOT happen in CODE Happens ONLY in text outside CODE in main bodyThis is a cause of puzzled readers with SQLs etc outside code boxes;This...
This is an utility that worked very well in converting  HTML to Jupyter Notebook IPYNB with all the Author's text for 3 SAP blogs I tried Will be very helpful for many blogs with the current thrust in Data Science and Data Engineering; reader wishes...
Some friendly queries on embedded Analytics Data Science Machine learning made me interested in SAP HANA  ML. First my sheer chance I chose PAL (nor APL) Hands-On Tutorial: Leverage SAP HANA Machine Learning in the Cloud through the Predictive Anal...
It pays to know the HANA database system tables and views. Not unsurprisingly all databases HANA, MSSQLServer, Oracle have similar metadata and HANA  System tables and views well documented. hdbsql is the Command line utility of HANA and is immensel...