This blog aims to the simple step by step guide to do Archiving in SAP Transportation Management. This Note 2062861 - SAP TM Archiving explain lot of common issues faced.The per-requisite for a freight order(TOR) to do Archiving is set Freight Order/...
Extend TM Location with Additional AttributesStandard SAP TM Location Attributes present are shown below.Business has a requirement of some extra fields or attributes which will can be used to do operations on location like want to make that location...
Freight Order has Various sections and Tabs which are provided to planner. Some sections or tabs may not be relevant for planners.We can hide the Sections / Tabs of Freight Order for User using Customization. You can follow below steps to do these st...
After the previous Blog on DDD code was for Geocode calculation code.SAP Transportation Ma...
Many times we get this requirement, where Customers want SAP Transportation Management to Calculate exact Distance and Duration between different locations using some GIS provider and use this distance for planning and settlement.SAP HANA Spatial Ser...
For the second problem, I find the helper class /scmtms/cl_txc_helper. But it didn't work as expected. It only worked when i try to insert text in notes tab for a freight order. But it doesn't work in case of freight unit. Can you please help me with...
Thanks and very good Catch, I created a Freemium Account in HERE and used it, it has limit of 1000 calls a Day..I will remove it from code.Best Regards,Rohit