Member since ‎2024 Jul 29

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Hi Experts,When I am trying to import TR Queue from PROD_SYS transport node getting below error - And in the error log it give:Exception during start of deployment for deploy type 'SLP_CTS': Error during client creation :Not FoundI have checked the d...
Hello Experts, i am following this article to integrate Google drive with integration suithttps://community.sap.com/t5/technology-blogs-by-sap/openconnectors-googledrive-integration-made-sim...At the end when i trying to send request through postman ...
Hello everyone,This is my second post about cloud foundry task.First post link: https://community.sap.com/t5/technology-q-a/how-to-create-custom-cloud-foundry-tasks-in-sap-btp/qaq-p/13933513 This post is extension of previous.Cloud foundry Tasks : A ...
Hello everyone,I have created a full stack CAP application with node.js with having XSUAA authentication.Also have use Cloud identity service by which multiple user can login with their credential and use my app.I have deployed my app and its working...
Hello everyone,I want to build a custom Cloud foundry tasks.Cloud foundry Tasks : A task is an app or script, the code of which is included as part of a deployed app, but runs independently in its own container.For the reference i am following some o...
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