Hi Community,on this way I try to get some help for further development of SAP B1.The picklist has been improved in the past, but we have a pain point left. You can't combine Whs with and without binlocations and with inventory and non inventory item...
Hi Community,I want to use the Pick&Pack funtionality in SAPB1. Since 9.1 it is possible to include non inventory items to a picklist. So good so far.But when I want now to put these non inventory-items in a pick list including bin locations, B1 hand...
Hi Together,
since SAP B1 10 2305 the B1upf.xml does not containing the UserNames in clear form anymore.
For years I use a query to get a complete overview about licenses assigned to my users. Now it is not possible anymore.
Did someone has an ...
Hi All,
since the last versions in SAP Business one, it is possible to reopen an invoice manually.
I tried to figure out to get this documents, by query, but can't find a field for it.
Any suggestion?
Thank you
Hi All,
I'am facing the issue that the function "GetSystemPermission" is not working anymore in SAP10.
I want to receive the effective permisssion, not the user permission, because he was added to a group.
Using this Code:
Hi,you'll find it in OMLT / MLT1Little hint:Open the query-generator in the table-field leave it blank and press tab. You get a choose from list which can be filtered. regards Lothar
Please have a look for the bookMastering SQL Queries for SAP Business One (it contains fms)it is kind of old, but nothing changed reallyor search for sap business one FMSsap business one formatted searchyou will find the answersregards Lothar
HiIt is a formatted search. The fields were read ot from the formular.It seems to me that this formatted search is added to the WhsCode-Field in a delivery note because the result is a warehouse-code in document linesEasy spokenIf the BaseDocNum is e...
Hiit seems to me that you have a high traffic in your database.While processing something, for SAP it is necessary to lock different tables to perform the requested job. Like item movement or document numbering. If there are to many requests in a row...
Hi,default Bin-Location means, every time SAP needs a bin location (e.g. GRPO) the system would choose it first.First Bin-Location is set by the system and is the first bin (sorting by name) which contains the item.regardsLothar