1)lets say I have one subaccount in a BTP global account.I have 1 Cloud Foundry Runtime quota for it.I deploy my app to it and its running and serving clients.What do I do when if I want to create and test enhancements?What is best practice when i ha...
Hi,I have a main XML view file that describes a table with colums and filters.It uses smarttable and smartfilterbar.The table gets data from a connected service of an external system.The table has 5 filters and each filter is also based on one field ...
I'm currently working on a Spring project that's deployed in a SAP BTP subaccount space. In the BTP cockpit, I've set up environment variables to store credentials, and this configuration works well when the project is deployed.
However, I...
Hi,I am trying to add an item to a Supplier Invoice with a reference to PO.If i try to do it manually from the UI it works but when i try to do it using SOAP the supplier invoice wont recognize the PO and thus wont get all the other details of it int...
Hi,I am making a fiori freestyle app that sends calls to external services.What is the best way to structure the app so that I can test the calls both inside Business application studio when i preview the app and when the app is deployed.Should i use...
So If I understand you correctly I can create two dev spaces on the same sub account and give each space 500 megs of the single 1 gig quota. Then I deploy the production version of the App on one dev space and the test/development version of the app ...
Thanks for the reply.The connection is made to an SFTP server and as far as I understand that is not supported by the destinations setup in the BTP.In general though, how do you use a detination when testing the app in BAS when its not deployed?
Hi,Is there any guide or suggestion you can give to making a BTP html5 app that takes data from a report in sap BYD?This works fine with SAP BYD business objects Odata or sap BYD data source Odata, using either fiori templates or free style fiori app...
The issue is that when you press the value help button and get a list of all avialable values you cant search in them:Because the search call uses things like search and search-focus in the Get call.