Member since ‎2021 Oct 07

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Hello, How can I resolve the "Conversion error possible; EDM type is more restrictive ABAP 'PACKED[3,1]' may have up to 1 integer digits more than 'Edm.Decimal'" error in my OData service, and what could be the potential reasons for this error? W...
Dear All, Our team has done PGI in ECC system ,But still I am getting the idoc in 51 status giving me the message that the goods issue has already been done even i applied the SNOTE 1657178 . Please check it and provide the solution for ECC system...
Hello, What all are the automatic mechanism to send the deleted delivery information from SAP to third party logistic system automatically? Like if a delivery number 80001234 needs to be deleted due to any reason and earlier we have already send ...
I am unable to update text using inbound delivery idoc(Delivery07) after PGI in delivery document. according to the project demand we need to update text at Header / Item level after the PGI. I had already implement 1657178 this note and User exi...