This the third time I'm commenting hoping to join in sap digital skill program.Hi @David_Chaviano , hello everyoneI'm chandni from India daughter of a of army veteran. I'm here to express my excitement and interest in joining SAP digital skill progra...
INTERESTED IN SAP DIGITAL SKILL INITIATIVE Hi @David_Chaviano , hello everyoneI'm chandni from India daughter of a of army veteran. I'm here to express my excitement and interest in joining SAP digital skill program. I try to join the discussion bu...
INTERESTED IN SAP DIGITAL SKILL INITIATIVEhi @David_Chaviano , hello everyoneI'm chandni from India daughter of a of army veteran. I'm here to express my excitement and interest in joining SAP digital skill program. I try to join the discussion but a...
hi @David_Chaviano , hello everyoneI'm chandni from India daughter of a of army veteran. I'm here to express my excitement and interest in joining SAP digital skill program. I try to join the discussion but access was denied.I have a Bachelor's degre...