you can create in Story calculationsAggregation, County Dimension Date (depends on granularity, but if monthly then will be correctly calculated And another calculation using Month Counter, where you do ROCE% * 12 / Month Counter
you need to put your DATA(Dim1=A1)=Resultlookup(Dim1=Holder, Dim2=#...)into an IF statement to limit masterdata combinationssomething likeIF RESULTLOOKUP() != NULL THENDATA(Dim1=A1)=Resultlookup(Dim1=Holder, Dim2=#...)ENDIFthis will copy the value on...
imagine aggregation as temporary table where value of aggregated column is replaced by #CGROUP, and amount is aggregated to 4000 (in your case). When you divide CustomerGroup AA by #CGROUP you will get value 0.5 which is < 1, and then we delete # Cus...
Your case does not seem to be complicated. The code I wrote, does aggregate CustomerGroup into variable, then we check if current value divided by aggregated value is lower than 1. This will indicate that there are multiple CustomerGroup values. And ...