This challenge, complemented the back to basic series very well as a hands on session!I hope there's a plan to start intermediate and CAP expert series with corresponding challenges.Look forward to more engaging content from you on CAP!
Amazing even this kind of circular references work with ease /odata/v4/northbreeze/Suppliers(1)?$expand=Products($expand=Category,Supplier($expand=Products($expand=Supplier)))
Error with(`[1,2,3,"not a number"]`)this maybe because I used Math.max() function HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
"error": {
"code": "500",
"message": "Failed to validate return value of type 'cds.Int32' for custom action 'plain.highe...
Would it not be more idiomatic for CAP to use a curl request with some input like below: { "input" = [54,203,-3,0,1] } this would allow the service to type check "input" is an array of numbers with service definition like action maxValue(input: arr...