Hello Experts,
Would it be possible to write a hierarchy select statement (in ABAP / CDS / CTE) with dynamic start where-conditions?
below is a sample code
SELECT FROM HIERARCHY( SOURCE demo_cds_parent_child_source
Hello Experts,
I have a requirement to enable custom annotations in ABAP CDS and expose them in the OData service like @UI & @Sematics. we can create our own custom Annotation Definition(DDLA) in ADT. but how can we use these custom annotations in ...
Hello Experts,I have faced one issue when activating the draft in the RAP managed scenario (OP2020).
Let's take two tables Order & Positions Tables and key fields
Position Table: OrderNumber, PositionNumber
10001, 10
Hello Folks,
How to replace double quotes " with single ' quotes in AMDP?
I tried this way SELECT REPLACE (:lv_String, '"', '''') "replace" FROM DUMMY; but it's not worked for me, getting below error.
String is '( Material EQ "RMME03" O...
Hello Experts,
I am using WebIDE personal edition for my UI development. and I am able to deploy my application to BSP as a new one for the first time.
But from the second time onwards when deploying the application got a success message as "de...
Hi, CSRF token is required to POST/PUT. for that, you need to fetch the CSRF token before the POST call.go through following blog https://blogs.sap.com/2021/06/04/how-does-csrf-token-work-sap-gateway/
Hi, Firstly google it for blogs or tutorials on the relevant topic before posting a questiongo through the following tutorial for the SALV tablehttp://zevolving.com/category/salv-tutorial/
Seems, the error is related to @ObjectModel.text.elementRemove the annotation in the projection entity and add it to the base view entity.Also, add the below annotation for the text field. @Semantics.text: true
Hello safa_bahoosh
This is an interesting blog, with a simple solution for most cases.
How about the UPDATE statement's performance?
UPDATE ** SET -> Old way
In Aggregation binding, it is not necessary to include the full property path for the cell.give binding path like (Element binding)path:'jsonmodel>FlightDate'
"${jsonmodel>FlightTime} > 500 ? 'Success' : 'Error'"