F.e. the field EKBE-WRBTR you can do the sum like this:DATA(sum) = REDUCE wrbtr( INIT x = 0 FOR ls_ekbe IN t_ekbe NEXT x = x + ls_ekbe-wrbtr ).See also examples of REDUCE
Did You use the corresponding X-structure (f.e. for PI_PERSONALDATA use PI_PERSONALDATAX in addition)?For every field You want to change You have to put an 'X' into the corresponding field of the X-structure.F.E. PI_PERSONALDATA-LASTNAME = 'Huber'.PI...
You can create a little Report like thisSELECT * FROM t006 INTO TABLE @DATA(gt_t006) ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY.DATA gr_alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table.TRY. cl_salv_table=>factory( IMPORTING r_salv_table = gr_alv CHANGING t_table ...
Hello Wane,like raymond.giuseppi mentioned, you have to use parameter SAVEMODE_DIRECT of FM SAVE_TEXT or you have to call FM COMMIT_TEXT (f.e. Include MF61KT00_SAVE_TEXT).
Please try:SELECTION-SCREEN PUSHBUTTON /2(4) get_data USER-COMMAND fct_get.If you have problems generating selection-screens, you can check them with report RSDBGENA.