Member since ‎2006 Nov 25

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I am facing a very weird issue with Upload Collection UI element in IE11. The document gets uploaded and uploadComplete event is getting fired properly. Now in this handler I am updating the upload collection list but for unknown reasons the code is ...
Hi Experts,I wanted to know if there is a way to create Fiori like applications for SRM 5.0. The Fiori applications like Shopping Cart and all need SRM 7.0 but in our landscape we have only SRM 5.0 and we would like to evaluate if we can create custo...
Hi,We will be upgrading your development portal environment from EP 7.0 to EP 7.0 EHP1. What do we need to do with our NWDI?Do we need to upgrade our NWDI too?If we have to upgrade what could be the steps for it?Thanks,Sid
Hi,I have a BI report in portal which is behaving strangely in case of decimal rounding. The same report when ran in BEx Analyzer is giving data in a column as 12.95 but when executed in portal it shows it as 13,00This issue is not common across all ...
Hi,I have a scenario in which I have to show two attributes (Donation and Loans) year wise for different countries in a single graph. To achieve this I thought I will have a series element for each donor and then will have two numeric points added to...