Member since ‎2020 Jan 17

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Hi,I posted an invoice with wrong withholding tax base amount.Now I need to change the value before proceed with payment.The withholding tax is applied to the payment, not to the invoice, and I cannot reverse the invoice.I tried to change the value f...
HiI need to set up data replication between a SAP system on-premise without HANA DB and HANA on cloud foundry (Azure).As my understand I need to install and configure DPAgent on my on-premise system to comunicate with cloud, but how?I find just docum...
Hi,when I try to build .hdbrole file in XSA it returns the follow message: Processing grants files...Processing "src/grants.hdbgrants"...Using grantor service "hana_connection" of type "sql"Error: Error executing: GRANT "ROLE_R#" TO "PORTALEDQM_HDI...
Hi, my goal is to modify records present in a HANA table, not associated with an HDI, from an odata service developed in XSA. Using synonyms I can publish the contents of the table by calling the odata service with the GET method. Using the POST me...