Hallo,Link to details of Business Object Interface I_INSPECTIONLOTTP_2 - https://api.sap.com/bointerface/PCE_I_INSPECTIONLOTTP_2 I am trying to use this BO interface to update the short text of Inspection Lot DATA: ls_update_mapped TYPE RESPONSE FOR ...
Hallo,I am trying to update the short text of an inspection lot using SAVE_TEXT. But I can not get it to work. Is there any other way to update the short text of the Inspection Lot. Or How can I fix this approach.Any help is appreciated.ThanksDATA lt...
Hello Everyone,Any idea on the reason why this is not working. I can't get the custom column name in the report display. TYPES: BEGIN OF gty_data,
matnr TYPE matnr, " Material Number
sernr TYPE gernr, " Serial Number
pin TYPE string, " PIN (Assum...
Hello,There is no warning or syntax error.The aim was to set custom column name in a single line without using DATA: lo_columns TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns_table,lo_column TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column.