Hallo All BW Experts! here is a modelling requirement which i find quite interesting and challenging. How can we use attributes for a masterdata which can have multiplevalues. Currently these kind of attributes are stored in seperate ODS. One e...
Hi All! Is there a way to design a webtemplate where a single chart is displayed from two different dataproviders. my requirement is to display a chart which gets its data from two different queries which have simmilar keyfgures and simmilar dime...
Hello ! why do we not have a provision for using graphical content or attachment in the forum posts. is there any reason behind. some times it is very hard to explain merely in words. When you are supporting smiley's in the subject why don't they...
Hi i am not sure of your question but following url mightbe usefulhttp://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/en/43/f92c705e136ecce10000000a1553f6/content.htmhttp://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/en/42/fa1bcbcf2c1aa2e10000000a422035/frameset.htmhop...
Hi, try creating new ABAP process type in RSPC maintain process types. you can copy the default ABAP. in the new process type specify "process ends in successful or incorrect" for Possible Event and use this new type to run your abap. this should p...
Hi, you can start the process chain from SAP R/3 using the function module RSPC_API_CHAIN_START. You can use this in any ABAP program on SAP R/3. hope it helps.RegardsAshwin
In the description of the key figures in Query designer you can use variables to fill in dynamicallyuse this help link for more detailshttp://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/85/e0c73cccbdd45be10000000a114084/frameset.htmHope this helpsRegard...