Abstract:This white paper delves into the introductory aspects of SAP Cloud ALM tool along with steps to create SAP Cloud ALM Tenant. This white paper has equipped you with the foundational knowledge to get started. For a deeper dive into the configu...
Hi All,Below is the link for my blog but since last week it is pending for review. Can Anyhelp or suggest ?https://community.sap.com/t5/welcome-corner-blog-posts/exploring-sap-cloud-alm-and-its-functionalities/ba-p/13638050 Regards,Nitin Chandel
Hi Katherine_K,I have rectified the things which were sent to me after reviewing after that I have resubmitted my blog but still not reviewed. Below is the URL link for my blog. https://community.sap.com/t5/technology-blogs-by-members/exploring-sap-c...
Hi Katherine_K,It is still pending for review since long. Below is the link of my blog:https://community.sap.com/t5/technology-blogs-by-members/exploring-sap-cloud-alm-and-its-functionalities/ba-p/13638050Regards,Nitin Chandel