Member since ‎2023 Mar 04

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  • 44 Posts
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Hi,  I would like to know GST applied to the material code using ABAP. I would like to understand tables from where I can get actual rate e.g. 18% or 12%. I tried searching blogs and as per suggestions checked tax classification using MLAN, TAKM etc....
Hi,  I am using pyRFC for my development. I found it is under licensed under Apache 2.0. *  As mentioned there, I can use it for commercial purpose to interact with SAP data from python application and vi...
Dear experts,  We have cloud integration suite (CPI) + HANA on cloud licenses on public BTP cloud and external custom website with Django backend with APIs. We would like to know what will be the right approach to consume data from website and save i...
Hello experts,  I have been using  BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 to create SO. I am passing condition type and related entries in a loop for every item. The conditions are getting applies in Sales order but they are applied twice or thrice (duplicat...
Dear experts,  I am using BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2  to create Sales Order. The SO has been creating successfully. However, certain fields are not getting added properly. I may be missing right elements to populate the data. I am looking for cus...
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