Hallo, Thanks for addressing this, it's a known gap when use event-based production costs (3F0) + actual costing (33Q), we are on the way to resolve it, we will update this once it's availab.e
Yes, the product profitability with production variances only shows value flow from processes with the account assignment as EO, for example make-to-stock, make-to-order with valuated sales order stock. The account assignment PR – project is not show...
Product Cost by Period (Event Based) only posts WIP ( reporting point is required) and total price differences in an event-based approach.to split variance into the variance categories is done via Postprocess Event-Based Postings - Product Costing (J...
here is the link for product cost by period:https://community.sap.com/t5/enterprise-resource-planning-blogs-by-sap/transition-to-event-based-production-accounting-in-sap-s-4hana-cloud/ba-p/13577714#_WhatLookLike