Member since ‎2011 Aug 01

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Hi All, I am facing a strange problem where the DROPDOWNBYkey element added inside a pop-up window shows values when it is run through the webdynpro application. The same has been added to the SRM portal and the pop-up does not show values in dropd...
Hi All,I have created an elementary search help. The search results are as expected.When I select a row from the results, the value is not returned into my UI field.Am i missing somthing here? I have written the call_control-step 'SELECT' to read the...
Dear AllI have created an elementary search help with two parameters as below.For Partner_ID i have given 'PAR' as a default parameter and the value I will be passing in the runtime from the WDC.For BE_PUR_ORG i have given 'PURCHORG' as a default par...
Dear All,I have added two custom fields on SRM SC item details -> sources of supply tab.The fields are linked to custom fields from the structure BBP_PDS_PARTNER.But the data from the fields is not being saved into the Shopping cart structure.Can any...
Hi All,We have a requirement to add two custom fields "Ordering address" and "Good Supplier" to be added to the SOS in item details screen.I have added the fields to the webdynpro view. Added the field to the context SUP->ITEM_BASIC_DATA and I am abl...
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