Member since ‎2022 Feb 14

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  • 12 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 2 Kudos given
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Hello Experts, I'm trying to make a get request to S4HANA from CPI using Purchase order ODataV4 API. However, in the processing section of the request-reply step, I am unable to select the Sublevel because the dropdown menu is disabled. This restri...
Hello Experts, I am trying to add an attachment to an existing document info record(in S4hana cloud) using the API_CV_ATTACHMENT_SRV via CPI. Source system is SAP ECC from which I receive an iDoc with the url in one of the fields. When I enter that...
Hello Experts, We are using EDI to XML convertor step in CPI to convert the data into XML format from an X12 file. We have created a sample xml file and generated XSD from it as the CPI convertor requires an XSD schema. We have used the same schema...
Hello Experts, I am trying to filter records based on the 2 digit country code(ISO_3166-1_Alpha-2_Code). I want to filter the records of workers working in country India(IN). Below is the xml source code. <wd:Get_Workers_Response xmlns:wd="urn:co...
Hello experts, We have a scenario where we have to create business partner in S4Hana Cloud via CPI. SAP ECC system is sending out 2 IDocs (CREMAS and ADRMAS) to CPI in 2 different triggers with time difference of milliseconds. To create a comp...