When will the certification exam for SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition 1511 will be available? As of now certification is available only in edition 1503 on the SAP Training and Certification Shop.
Attempting KE27 revaluation using Material Ledger Actual Cost Component Structure and got the following error messageNo valuation exists for material 1010010124520 1109Message no. MLCCS030DiagnosisThere is no valuation (for instance periodic unit pri...
Period is closed for Account Type M. However it is open for Account Type S. User posted Material Movement Type 261 through Transaction Code CORK Process Order Confirmation. This doesn't seem to be standard SAP behavior. Have anyone faced this issue b...
Need complete details of the context to be able to comment.The exchange rate between the transaction currency and the foreign currency when the open item was created v when payment was made is the key.
In the case of Valuated Project Stock, Profit Center is derived from the WBS element. Please see this link:http://help.sap.com/static/saphelp_erp60_sp/en/ff/67d953292a424de10000000a174cb4/ppt_img.gif
Sorry about my oversight! Thanks for the clarifications - Jurgen and Irfan.Is there any hurdle to postpone the schedule to run the batch? "MM posting period is closed automatically through batch"
Hi IrfanYou can set the indicator that allows posting to the previous period (backposting). Previous period means the preceding month.IMG T.Code OMSYIMG Menu Path - And also you should not disallow posting in the previous period.
Also note that an exchange rate type can be assigned to the document type. Although this is not best practice as that may create exchange rate differences and hence require additional explanation to financial reports. Check if any exchange rate type ...