Member since ‎2021 Oct 25

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So ,in abap i have a written a code to get all records into internal table using select query ,perform concatenation operations on it and update the record in db from internal table . but to improve performance , how can i select specific number of r...
I have created function group of employee details and i have created transaction screen where i am entering data. so i have created DB table for salary and inside that have amount and currency fields and i have correctlly pased cuky and cu...
I have 2 tables i.e employee details and employee designation history. Employee details table - EMPID , Name , Age ,Gender. (EmpID - Primary Key) Designation history table - EMPID , Startdate , Enddate , JobRole. I know there needs to be one ...
so i have created 2 internal tables and i tried to find the name of employee from first table with base salary from 2nd table and i have manually inserted data into it. so how can i write both loops into single loop. and here is the code i have writt...
So i have 2 internal tables with date of joining field in 1st table and service years field in other table and i have added the data in tables manually . i have used my logic to find years but it seems incomplete . TYPES : BEGIN OF s_empdetails, e...