Member since ‎2013 Dec 06

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I have a requirement to resend the data using wrapper program by submitting wdbm for that i have implemented a logic to extend the segements in IF_EX_ASSORTMENTLIST_UPD~CHANGE_IDOC. When i was able to generate the program but it was not triggering ...
Hello , I have created a custom , linked to basic type artmas05 and assigned to function module MASTERIDOC_CREATE_SMD_ARTMAS. Also created change pointers using MM42 . Now a m trying to send idoc using b21 .It was trigerring the function module b...
Hello , I have created a custom , linked to basic type artmas05 and assigned to function module MASTERIDOC_CREATE_SMD_ARTMAS. Also created change pointers using MM42 . Now a m trying to send idoc using b21 .It was trigerri...
in my logic field symnol data is not mapping correctly .field symbols overwriting with new values.please provide me solution .SELECT * from  z30lo_t001w     INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE  lt_tkey.   if lt_tkey is not INITIAL.     LOOP at lt_tkey...
Hi Experts ,I am very new to change pointers concept , can any one please guide me steps to create change pointers recording for  custom table .Please help me ...