How to wrap text in double quote and separate by comma in DME tree format attribute
How can we achieve below text format in CSV file in DMEE tree
example : "100","1000","ABC"
what to pass to set_values in Function module ? how to write alv report and how to use above function module in it to populate gl account in the created SET(ZHRA_GL)
I have got a requirement that I have to display the monthly total basic salary distributed to all the employees company code-wise. Can anyone help me with the select query?
i want to populate G/L account from set ZHRA_GL and input should be and output should be in below format and tables are faglflext skat and set name is zhra_gl
I have got a requirement for payroll of a company that I have to display the monthly total basic salary distributed to all the employees company code-wise. Can anyone help me with the select query?