SAP S/4HANA对于委外采购业务,标准方案是为委外供应商创建委外类型(03)的MRP区域。一些客户并没有为委外供应商创建MRP区域,在正确维护了特殊采购类型(如30)虽然可以正常的生成委外采购申请,但无论从需求供给的查看(如MD04或者Manage material coverage等应用),还是原材料发给供应商后的供应商库存,都会与工厂级别的需求、供给及可用库存混在一起。当您为委外供应商创建MRP区域后,该委外供应商相关的需求供给或者供应商库存,都会从工厂级别独立开来。且无需在物料主数据...
在我们生产计划业务中,时常会遇到产能瓶颈等,影响到对客户的交货承诺,SAP公有云ERP中的pMRP(Predictive Material and Resource Planning)功能可以帮助您基于可能的客户需求,通过模拟计划的方式,识别产能问题,并尝试找到导致产能问题的原因解决它。计划模拟通常基于预测出的市场需求,在系统中,我们以独立需求的形式创建预测数量然后去对您需要模拟的一个或者一组物料创建模拟计划评估和处理pMRP模拟结果 如果模拟结果是有产能超复合,或者物料货源问题(如没有生产版本...
面对质量缺陷问题,我们有很多工具可以用来分析和解决问题。其中一个比较典型的就是8D问题解决法(8 Discipline Problem Solving),也称团队导向问题解决法。在SAP公有云系统,我们也提供了基于8D问题解决法的问题解决流程。当您在质量检验过程中发现了质量缺陷,可以在管理缺陷应用中针对某一个缺陷去启动问题解决流程:这时,系统会自动为您创建一个问题解决流程的号码,点击该号码可以跳转至问题解决流程的详细界面中。8D模型的问题解决流程,细分为8个工作步骤,包括组建团队、对缺陷问题的描...
Hi, The scrap you input is the operation scrap which does not reflect to the scrap in the production order header. The scrap in the production order header is the assembly scrap. The assembly scrap will add your order quantity. For example, you want ...
Hi , in this situation, you may consider to maintain different production versions with these different 5 work centers. And created production order according to the capacity load.
PR not generated by MRP, there will may be several reasons, for example, the exist supply already covered, the demand is not in the the planning horizon, etc. It is difficult to list all the possible setting and configuration. You may try to create a...
Hi,If this is a MTO material, you can see the sales order number on the Account Assignment tab of purchase requisition.If the material is not MTO material, there's no direct relationship between SO and PR. You may try to find the relationship on Stoc...