Member since ‎2015 Sep 10

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Has anybody figured out how to quickly/efficiently generate thousands of unique 'customer statements' every month [or something similar] using some sort of scalable method [besides looping on a single machine or two] - like an Azure Web Service that ...
Using ODBC 18 driver with an existing report [that runs fine when using ODBC 17 driver] on Crystal Runtime SP35 - the report will not work.  It returns 'Invalid Argument for Database' error and several other errors in the log.I have enabled Crystal L...
Hello, We've tried using ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server with crystal redistributable SP35 [and earlier] and when we have 'Force Encrytpion' set to 'YES' on a SQL Server's configuration... any reports that run, run extremely slow [like a matter of mi...
Has anyone figured out how to take an existing report [built to target an ODBC 17 DSN] and reset the data source to an ODBC 18 DSN? Running SQL profiler we have noticed Crystal Designer [we tried 2008, 2016 and 2020] is calling a system stored pro...
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